All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAuthentication<T extends Credentials> |
AbstractConf |
AbstractResultSet |
AdminClientUtils |
AllowAllHostNameVerifier |
AlreadyExistsException |
Thrown if an application or an environment already exists.
ApiApplicationsRoutes |
This class defines all routes for API '/applications'.
ApiContextRoutes |
ApiDefaultRoutes |
ApiEnvironmentRoutes |
ApiHealthRoutes |
ApiInfoRoutes |
ApiStreamsRoutes |
This class defines all routes for API '/streams'.
ApiTopologyRoutes |
This class defines all routes for API '/topologies'.
ApiVersionRoutes |
This class defines all routes for API '/version'.
APIVersions |
ApplicationConfig |
ApplicationConfig.Reader |
ApplicationGetInstancesHandler |
ApplicationGetTopologyHandler |
ApplicationId |
Simple class to wrap the value of StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG .
ApplicationIdBuilder |
Class for building StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG .
ApplicationQueryStoreHandler |
ArgsConf |
A Conf which is build from a list of arguments.
Authentication |
AuthenticationCallback<T extends Authentication> |
AuthenticationContext |
AuthenticationContextHandler |
AuthenticationContextHolder |
Class used to hold information about current authenticated principal.
AuthenticationManager |
Authenticator |
Interface to authenticate users.
AuthorizationContext |
AuthorizationHandler |
AuthorizationManager |
Pluggable interface which is used to authenticate users.
AuthorizationResult |
AutoConfigure |
AzkarraAccount |
AzkarraApplication |
AzkarraApplication is the high-level class which can be used to deploy a simple server for managing multiple
KafkaStreams instances.
AzkarraBanner |
The default Banner implementation which writes "Kafka Streams".
AzkarraConf |
AzkarraContext |
The AzkarraContext.
AzkarraContextAware |
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the AzkarraContext that it runs in.
AzkarraContextException |
AzkarraContextListener |
AzkarraContextLoader |
Class which can be used for initializing an AzkarraContext instance from a specified Conf instance.
AzkarraException |
AzkarraException is the top-level error type generated by the core-api.
AzkarraIdentityManager |
AzkarraPrincipalBuilder |
Pluggable builder interface which is used to build Principal object used during authorization.
AzkarraStreamsApplication |
AzkarraStreamsService |
The AzkarraStreamsService serves as the main front-facing interface for manipulating streams applications.
AzkarraVersion |
BadRequestException |
Banner |
Banner.Mode |
BannerPrinter |
BannerPrinterBuilder |
BasicAuthenticationExample |
Example to configure an azkarra application with Basic authentication.
BasicAuthenticator |
BasicComponentFactory<T> |
BasicRolePrincipal |
BasicUserPrincipal |
BasicWordCountTopology |
A basic WordCount topology.
CertClientAuthenticator |
CheckedFunction<T,R,E extends Exception> |
CheckedSupplier<R,E extends Throwable> |
ClassComponentAliasesGenerator |
ClassComponentAliasesGenerator.ClassAliasExtractor |
ClassComponentAliasesGenerator.DropClassNameSuffixExtractor |
ClasspathComponentScanner |
ClassUtils |
ComplexWordCountTopology |
ComplexWordCountTopologyModule |
A ComponentModule for providing a new @{link ComplexWordCountTopology} instance.
Component |
Marker interface that any class having a no-arg constructor can used to indicate it can be registered.
ComponentAliasesGenerator |
ComponentClassReader |
ComponentDescriptor<T> |
ComponentDescriptorFactory<T> |
ComponentFactory<T> |
ComponentFactory.SimpleFactory<T> |
ComponentModule<T> |
ComponentRegistry |
The ComponentRegistry is the main interface for managing components used in an Azkarra application.
ComponentRegistryAware |
ComponentScan |
CompositeStateListener |
A KafkaStreams.StateListener that delegates to one or more KafkaStreams.StateListener in order.
CompositeStateRestoreListener |
A StateRestoreListener that delegates to one or more StateRestoreListener in order.
CompositeUncaughtExceptionHandler |
Conf |
Class which can be used for configuring components.
ConfBuilder |
Helper class which can be used for building new Conf instance.
ConfException |
ConfException is the top-level error type generated by the Conf api.
Configurable |
ConfigurableStopWordsService |
ConfigurableWordCountTopology |
A basic WordCount topology.
ConfSerializer |
Json serializer for Conf .
ContextGetHandler |
ContextGetHandler.ContextPayload |
Credentials |
Interface to hold a user credentials.
Credentials.UnsupportedCredentialException |
CustomHealthCheckExample |
Example for registering custom health-check.
CustomHealthCheckExample.MyCustomerHealthCheck |
DeadLetterTopicExceptionHandler |
A DeserializationExceptionHandler implementation that write rejected error to an dead-letter-topic.
DeadLetterTopicExceptionHandlerConfig |
DefaultApplicationIdBuilder |
DefaultAuthenticationCallbackHandler |
DefaultAzkarraContext |
The AzkarraContext.
DefaultBannerPrinter |
DefaultComponentRegistry |
DefaultProviderClassReader |
DefaultRocksDBConfigSetter |
DefaultRocksDBConfigSetter.DefaultRocksDBConfigSetterConfig |
DefaultStatusAggregator |
DefaultStreamsConfig |
Marker interface that a TopologyProvider can used to define
the configuration properties to be used for creating a new KafkaStreams instance.
DefaultStreamsConfigs |
DefaultStreamsExecutionEnvironment |
DigestPasswordCredentials |
DistributedQuery<K,V> |
Default class to query a state storeName either locally or remotely.
Either<L,R> |
Either.Left<L,R> |
Either.LeftProjection<L,R> |
Either.Right<L,R> |
Either.RightProjection<L,R> |
EmbeddedHttpServer |
Default interface to provide an embedded http-server.
EmbeddedHttpServerProvider |
EmptyConf |
EnableAutoConfig |
EnableAutoStart |
EnableEmbeddedHttpServer |
Environment |
EnvironmentConfig |
EnvironmentConfig.Reader |
EnvironmentGetListHandler |
EnvironmentPostHandler |
EnvironmentPostHandler.EnvironmentPayload |
Error |
ErrorMessage |
The error message response object.
ErrorResultSet |
ExceptionDefaultHandler |
An HttpHandler which used for catching any exception thrown during request execution.
ExceptionDefaultResponseListener |
ExceptionHeader |
The default record-headers added to record write to the dead-letter-topic.
ExchangeHelper |
Simple class to wrap HttpServerExchange instance.
Executed |
Executed class is used to describe a Topology instance to be executed.
ExecutionException |
FutureCollectors |
GenericRecordSerializer |
GlobalResultSet<K,V> |
GrantedAuthority |
GroupMetricFilter |
HeadlessHttpHandler |
Health |
The Health wraps information about a service or sub-system.
Health.Builder |
Builder for creating new Health instances.
HealthAggregator |
HealthIndicator |
HttpRemoteQueryBuilder |
HttpRemoteQueryClient |
HttpResource |
HttpServerConf |
InMemoryUserIdentityManager |
InternalExecuted |
InternalHttpServerConf |
InvalidConfException |
InvalidHttpQueryParamException |
Exception which is thrown when a param is missing or invalid.
InvalidStateStoreQueryException |
Exception which is thrown when an invalid query is received.
JAASAuthentication |
JsonQuerySerde |
Class which is used to serialize / deserialize a JSON query.
JsonSerdes |
Helper class for wrapping ObjectMapper .
KafkaStreamContainerBuilder |
Default builder class for creating and configuring a new wrapped KafkaStreams instance.
KafkaStreamsContainer |
KafkaStreamsFactory |
The interface which is used for creating new KafkaStreams instance.
KafkaStreamsMetricsCollector |
Simple Collector implementation for collecting
metrics from KafkaStreams instance.
KeyedLocalStoreQuery<T,K,V> |
KeyValueCountQuery |
KeyValueGetAllQuery<K,V> |
KeyValueGetQuery<K,V> |
KeyValueGetRangeQuery<K,V> |
KeyValueQueryBuilder |
KV<K,V> |
Simple key/value pair.
LocalAzkarraStreamsService |
LocalStoreAccessor<T> |
Default class to wrap access to local state store.
LocalStoreAccessor.StoreSupplier<T> |
LocalStoreQuery<K,V> |
Default interface to execute a local state storeName.
LocalStoreQueryBuilder<K,V> |
LocalStoreQueryBuilder.MissingRequiredKeyError |
MapConf |
A simple Conf implementation which is backed by a HashMap .
Metric |
MetricGroup |
MetricNotFoundException |
MissingConfException |
NameMetricFilter |
Network |
NonNullMetricFilter |
NoSuchComponentException |
NotFoundException |
NoUniqueComponentException |
OptimizedTopologyProvider |
ParsingConfException |
PasswordCredentials |
PasswordCredentials.Type |
PlainPasswordCredentials |
Representation of a plain text user password.
PreparedQuery<K,V> |
PropertiesFileLoginModule |
This LoginModule imports a user's Principal and credentials information (BasicUserPrincipal,
BasicRolePrincipal, UserPasswordCredentials) and associates them with the current Subject.
PropertiesFileUsersIdentityManager |
Property |
A single key-value with configuration.
Provider<T> |
Interface to provide versioned components.
Queried |
Query<K,V> |
QueryBuilder |
QueryError |
A serializable error.
QueryInfo |
Class which is use to wrap information about the store to be query.
QueryOperationBuilder |
QueryOptionsRequest |
Class which is used for serializing and de-serializing state store query options.
QueryParams |
QueryResult<K,V> |
QueryResultBuilder<K,V> |
QueryStatus |
QueryURLBuilder |
Reader<A,B> |
RemoteQueryClient |
Default interface to query a remote streams state store.
Retry |
RocksDBConfig |
Configuration class for setting internal RocksDB options.
RoleGrantedAuthority |
RoutingHandlerProvider |
SecurityConfException |
SecurityConfig |
SecurityHandler |
SecurityHandlerFactory |
SecurityMechanism |
List of security mechanism currently supported for authenticating users.
SerializationException |
ServerConfBuilder |
An helper class for build a Conf used for configuring embedded http-server.
ServerInfo |
SessionFetchKeyRangeQuery<K,V> |
SessionFetchQuery<K,V> |
SessionQueryBuilder |
ShutdownHook |
Utility class for registering shutdown hooks.
ShutdownHook.Hook |
SimpleAuthorizationManager |
Singleton |
Marker interface that any Component can used to indicate it can be registered
as a shared instance across the application.
SL4JLoggerPrintStream |
SSLAuthenticationContext |
SSLAuthenticationExample |
Example to configure an azkarra application with SSL-Two-Way authentication.
SSLClientAuthentication |
SSLContextFactory |
Default class for retrieving a new SSLContext instance.
State |
The states.
State |
The status for a KafkaStreams instance.
Status |
StatusAggregator |
StopWordsService |
StoreOperation |
StoreType |
The storeName types supported by KafkaStreams .
StreamsApplication |
StreamsApplication |
Example to manually register a topology.
StreamsDeleteHandler |
StreamsExecutionEnvironment |
A StreamsExecutionEnvironment manages the lifecycle of Topology instances.
StreamsExecutionEnvironmentAware |
StreamsGetConfigHandler |
StreamsGetDetailsHandler |
StreamsGetListHandler |
StreamsGetMetricsHandler |
StreamsGetStatusHandler |
StreamsHealthIndicator |
StreamsInstanceResponse |
StreamsInstanceResponse.Builder |
StreamsInstanceResponse.State |
StreamsName |
Marker interface that a TopologyProvider can used to set the default
name attached to the streams instance.
StreamsPostHandler |
StreamsRestartHandler |
StreamsServerInfo |
Class which is used to describe a stream application instance.
StreamsState |
StreamsStatus |
StreamsStopHandler |
StreamsTopologyGraph |
A Serializable streams topology graph.
StreamsTopologyGraph.AbstractNode |
An abstract topology node.
StreamsTopologyGraph.GlobalStore |
StreamsTopologyGraph.Node |
StreamsTopologyGraph.Node.Type |
StreamsTopologyGraph.ProcessorNode |
A topology processor-node.
StreamsTopologyGraph.ProcessorNodeBuilder |
StreamsTopologyGraph.SinkNode |
A topology sink-node.
StreamsTopologyGraph.SinkNodeBuilder |
StreamsTopologyGraph.SourceNode |
A topology source-node.
StreamsTopologyGraph.SourceNodeBuilder |
StreamsTopologyGraph.SubTopologyGraph |
StreamsTopologyRequest |
SuccessResultSet<K,V> |
SystemTime |
TaskMetadataSerializer |
ThreadMetadataSerializer |
Time |
TimestampedValue<V> |
TimestampSerializer |
TopicPartitions |
This class represents topic-partitions assignment for a streams application.
TopicPartitionSerializer |
The JsonSerializer to serialize TopicPartition instance.
TopologyConfig |
TopologyConfig.Reader |
TopologyContainer |
Default class to encapsulate a Topology instance.
TopologyContainer.Builder |
TopologyDescriptor<T extends TopologyProvider> |
TopologyDescriptorFactory |
TopologyDescriptorSerializer |
TopologyFactory |
TopologyInfo |
Marker interface that a TopologyProvider can used to describe
the behavior of the provided Topology .
TopologyListHandler |
TopologyMetadata |
TopologyProvider |
The default interface to supply a Kafka Streams Topology instance.
Try<V> |
Try.Failure<V> |
Try.Retriable<V> |
Try.Success<V> |
Tuple<L,R> |
TypeConverter |
Class which can be used to convert an object to a specific type.
UnauthorizedAccessException |
UndertowAuthenticationContext |
UndertowEmbeddedServer |
UndertowEmbeddedServerProvider |
UserDetails |
UsernamePasswordAuthentication |
UsersIdentityManager |
Utils |
Validator<T> |
Version |
A version class which supports the following pattern :
Supported qualifier are : alpha, beta, snapshot, rc, release.
Version |
Versioned |
VisibleForTesting |
WebUIHttpRoutes |
WindowedSerializer |
The JsonSerializer to serialize Windowed instance.
WindowFetchAllQuery<K,V> |
WindowFetchKeyRangeQuery<K,V> |
WindowFetchQuery<K,V> |
WindowFetchTimeRangeQuery<K,V> |
WindowGetAllQuery<K,V> |
WindowQueryBuilder |
WithApplication |
An helper HttpHandler which can be used for routes requiring query param 'id'.
X509CertificateCredentials |
XMLHttpRequestAwareAuthCallHandler |
This is the final HttpHandler in the security chain, it's purpose is to act as a
barrier at the end of the chain to ensure authenticate is called after the mechanisms have been associated
with the context and the constraint checked.