ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.disableHeadlessMode() |
Disables the headless mode.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.disableSsl() |
Disables SSL.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.enableHeadlessMode() |
Enables the headless mode.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.enableSsl() |
Enables the SSL.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.enableUI(boolean enable) |
Sets if the Web UI must be enable.
static ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.newBuilder() |
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setAuthenticationMethod(String method) |
Sets the authentication mode.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setAuthenticationRealm(String realm) |
Sets the authentication realm.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setAuthenticationRestricted(String roles) |
Sets the authentication roles.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setAuthenticationRoles(String roles) |
Sets the authentication roles.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setAuthenticationUsers(String users) |
Sets the authentication users.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setBasicSilentAuthentication(boolean silent) |
Sets if the basic authentication must be silent.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setIgnoreSslHostnameVerification(boolean ignore) |
Enables the SSL.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setKeyPassword(String keyPassword) |
Sets the password of the private key in the key store file.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setKeyStoreLocation(String keyStoreLocation) |
Sets the location of the key store file.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setKeyStorePassword(String keyStorePassword) |
Sets the store password for the key store file.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setKeyStoreType(String keyStoreType) |
Sets the file format of the key store file.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setListener(String listener) |
Sets the http server listener.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setPort(int port) |
Sets the http server port.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setTrustStoreLocation(String trustStoreLocation) |
Sets the location of the trust store file.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setTrustStorePassword(String trustStorePassword) |
Sets the store password for the trust store file.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setTrustStoreType(String trustStoreType) |
Sets the file format of the key trust file.
ServerConfBuilder |
ServerConfBuilder.setUserIdentityManager(Class<? extends UsersIdentityManager> cls) |