Azkarra Worker

How to run Azkarra Worker ?

Downloading Azkarra Worker

wget$AZKARRA_VERSION/azkarra-worker-$AZKARRA_VERSION.tar.gz -P .
tar -xzvf azkarra-worker-$AZKARRA_VERSION.tar.gz
cd azkarra-worker-$AZKARRA_VERSION

The installation contains the following structure :

├── bin
│   ├──
│   └──
├── etc
│   ├── azkarra.conf
│   └── log4j2.xml
└── share
    └── java
        └── azkarra-worker

Running Worker

You can start a worker process with the following command :

./bin/ [-daemon]

Configuring Worker

Azkarra uses the Config library developed by Lightbend to ease the configuration of your application from an external file.

You can use the -Dconfig.file system property to specify the config source to load.


STREAMS_JVM_OPTS=-Dconfig.file=./config/azkarra.conf ./bin/

Configs can also be passed passed to the command should be in the form of [--property value]*. These parameters are then passed to the Azkarra main method.


STREAMS_JVM_OPTS=-Dconfig.file=./config/azkarra.conf ./bin/ \
--azkarra.component.paths /usr/share/azkarra-components
--azkarra.context.streams.bootstrap.servers localhost:9092

External Components

To make your external components (e.g, TopologyProvider) available to the worker, installed them into one or many local directories.

Use the azkarra.component.paths property to configure the list of locations (separated by a comma) from which the components will be scanned.

Each configured directories may contain:

  • an uber JAR containing all of the classes and third-party dependencies for the component (e.g., topology).
  • a directory containing all JARs for the component.

Using Docker

An official Docker image is available on Docker Hub.

Example :

docker run --net host streamthoughts/azkarra-streams-worker \
--mount type=bind,src=/tmp/azkarra/application.conf,dst=/etc/azkarra/azkarra.conf \
--mount type=bind,src=/tmp/components,dst=/usr/share/azkarra-components/ \