
1 Creating a new AzkarraContext

The AzkarraContext is the main interface to configure, manage and run one ore more StreamsExecutionEnvironment.

Azkarra provides the default implementation DefaultAzkarraContext that you can instantiate as follows :

AzkarraContext context = DefaultAzkarraContext.create()

2 Configuring a AzkarraContext

The AzkarraContext can be configured using a Conf object.

The configuration can be passed directly while creating a new instance:

Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>(); 
props.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9092");
props.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_KEY_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass());
props.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_VALUE_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass()); (1)

Conf streamsConfig = Conf.of("streams", props) (2)

AzkarraContext context = DefaultAzkarraContext.create(streamsConfig); (3)

or using the setConfiguration method:

context.setConfiguration(Conf.of("streams", props)) (4)
  1. Create the Map to be used for configuring the context.
  2. The streams properties must be prefixed with streams..
  3. The configuration is passed to create method.
  4. Optionally, the configuration is set using the setConfiguration method.

Note that all StreamsExecutionEnvironment registered into the AzkarraContext will automatically inherit its configuration.

3 Registering StreamsExecutionEnvironment

A StreamsExecutionEnvironment can be registered to the AzkarraContext using the addExecutionEnvironment method.


By default, the AzkarraContext will always create a default StreamsExecutionEnvironment named default.

You can retrieve the default environment as follows:

StreamsExecutionEnvironment defaultExecutionEnvironment = context.getDefaultEnvironment();

Note that all registered environments must have a distinct name.

4 Registering components

In Azkarra, any object that forms your streams application (e.g: TopologyProviders) and is registered to and managed by an AzkarraContext instance is called a component.

More generally, a component is an object that is instantiated, assembled, and configured by an AzkarraContext instance.


5 Adding a TopologyProvider

A TopologyProvider can be registered directly at the context level.

.addTopology(WordCountTopologyProvider.class, "my-env-name","wordcount"))

If no environment name is specified, then the TopologyProvider is added to the default StreamsExecutionEnvironment.


As you can notice, here we are specifying the class of the TopologyProvider to be added instead of passing a Supplier as is done when registering a topology through the StreamExecutionEnvironement.addTopology method.

This is because the AzkarraContext manages a TopologyProvider as a component.

Registering a TopoloyProvider at the context level allows you to use the annotations provided by the Azkarra framework (e.g @TopologyInfo, @DefaultStreamsConfig) for providing default metadata and streams configuration.

Currently, the TopologyProvider supports the following annotations :

  • @TopologyInfo: Set the topology description and custom alias.
  • @ConfValue: Set a default streams configuration (repeatable).


@TopologyInfo( description = "Kafka Streams WordCount Demo", aliases = "custom")
@ConfValue(name = "streams." + StreamsConfig.NUM_STREAM_THREADS_CONFIG, value = "4")
@ConfValue(name = "streams." + StreamsConfig.NUM_STANDBY_REPLICAS_CONFIG, value = "2")
class MyCustomTopologyProvider implements TopologyProvider, Configureable {

    public void configure(final Conf conf) {
    public Topology topology() {
        return ...;

You should note that annotations are only supported for topologies which are registered into an AzkarraContext.

6 Adding ShutdownHook

The AzkarraContext allows you to quickly configure a Java shutdown hook to ensure that our JVM shutdowns are handled gracefully.


7 Starting AzkarraContext

You can start all StreamsExecutionEnvironment registered into the AzkarraContext by invoking the start() method.

Last modified March 3, 2021: docs(site): update docs for 0.9.x (ca3e155b)