Interface LocalStoreQuery<K,​V>

    • Method Detail

      • storeType

        StoreType storeType()
        The storeName type on which this query can be executed.
        a new StoreOperation instance.
      • execute

        Try<List<KV<K,​V>>> execute​(KafkaStreamsContainer container,
                                         long limit)
        Executes this query to the specified KafkaStreams application.
        container - the KafkaStreamsContainer instance.
        limit - the maximum number of records the result should be limited to (-1 means no limit).
      • toKeyValueListAndClose

        static <K,​V> List<KV<K,​V>> toKeyValueListAndClose​(org.apache.kafka.streams.state.KeyValueIterator<K,​V> it,
                                                                      long limit)
      • toKeyValueAndTimestampListAndClose

        static <K,​V> List<KV<K,​V>> toKeyValueAndTimestampListAndClose​(org.apache.kafka.streams.state.KeyValueIterator<K,​org.apache.kafka.streams.state.ValueAndTimestamp<V>> it,
                                                                                  long limit)